České sdružení pro právní a sociální filozofii, z. s. — The Czech Association for Legal and Social Philosophy

České sdružení pro právní a sociální filozofii, z. s. is the Czech national section of the IVR. It is based in Prague, and brings together representatives of all scientific and academic institutions in the Czech Republic within the field of legal and social philosophy.

Current Executive Committee of the Section:

President: Prof. JUDr. Aleš Gerloch, CSc. (Charles University in Prague)

Vice-Presidents: Prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. (Masaryk University in Brno)
Doc. JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc. (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen)

Secretary-General: JUDr. Katarzyna Žák Krzyžanková, Ph.D.  (Charles University in Prague)


The Czech section has its own website at: (available both in Czech and English).


To get into contact with the Czech section please visit the contact page of the Section:, or send an e-mail to: